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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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Batman Returns (1992) - Burton gives us the ultimate, Gothic spin on Gotham City and its sinister characters

Featuring Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer, Danny DaVito and Christopher Walken, all in stellar performances in a visually incredible film, Tim Burton's Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever


The story rotates around the Penguin, a man, who has lived in Gotham City's sewers, and who now wants to be the mayor. He gets help from the city's business king, Max Shreck. His secretary in the meantime begins to meow ....
Michael Keaton (Beetle Juice (1988)) is busy as Batman in this the second big movie adaptation of the DC comic by Warner Bros., but the story is well-told in a pace that has to be labeled as perfect. Danny Elfman's (The Simpsons (1989-)) score compliments Bo Welch's (Beetle Juice (1988)) amazing, Burtonesque production design to a tee. - Returns is one of Elfman's best works, because the film is perfectly suited to his grandiose, playful style.

Michelle Pfeiffer in one freaky and very sexy role as Catwoman in Tim Burton's Batman Returns

The film offers exceptional, Gothic images and legendary performances by, in particular, Michelle Pfeiffer (Scarface (1983)) as the sexy Catwoman and Danny DeVito (Anything Else (2003)) as the oozing Penguin, one of the all-time best movie villains.

Danny DeVito in one of the best villain roles ever created on the screen, as the Penguin in Tim Burton's Batman Returns

Returns is a fantasy movie with a thick underlining of the word fantasy and totally without consequences for reality; it is escapism in its purest form. In these cases, the fantasy must be excessively thorough and amazingly conceived to hit the highest notes: Batman Returns is just that, and might be master director Tim Burton's (Mars Attacks! (1996)) best film yet: Weird, funny, sexy, scary, inventive and wildly entertaining throughout.
Burton is working on an untraditional project for him at the moment, Big Eyes, a 'low budget' (10 mil. $) period drama about real-life painter Margaret Keane, set in the 50s and 60s, with Amy Adams, Krysten Ritter and Christoph Waltz. - Sounding very intriguing.

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Batman Begins (2005) or, Modern, Dark, Smooth Batman 

The movie is better than its trailer makes it look, but here it is anyway

Budget: 80 mil. $ (incl. marketing)
Box office: 266.8 mil. $
= Blockbuster

Do you agree that Batman Returns is the best Batman movie?

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