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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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Bound (1996) - Lesbian femme fatales in dark as espresso mob thriller

+ Best Big Flop Movie of the Year + Erotic Movie of the Year + Best Rainbow Movie of the Year + Best Thriller of the Year 

Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly hang dollars to dry on the poster for the Wachowski Brothers' Bound


Violet & Corky decide to steal about 2 million $ that're going through Violet's guy Cesar's apartment. That ends up complicated and bloody.
Bound is a really cool film full of leather, white paint, lesbians and guns.
It's made minimalistic in scope, as it almost entirely plays out in only two apartments, but maximalistic in style and violence, SPOILER for example in paranoid-psychotic Cesar's (Joe Pantoliano (The Sopranos (2001-04)) death scene which is operatic and shows some of the coming Matrix-magic that the director-pair, brothers, now brother and sister, Andy and Lana Wachowski were to present next in 1999 to an astounded world. Bound was the debut of the two and was made to convince studio heads that they could pull of a Matrix-class film.
The hard-boiled women couple are played by Jennifer Tilly (Liar Liar (1997)) and Gina Gershon (Face/Off (1997)), and they are sort of updated urban versions of Thelma & Louise (1991), with smaller hairdos, who also have sex with each other.
Bound is a super-cool, erotic mob-thriller; high-paced, full of fast, smart lines and cool photography by Bill Pope (The Matrix (1999)). It shows the directors' inspiration from Billy Wilder, but is still very much its own film.
The Wachowskis unfortunately continue their sci-fi-oddity obsession after Cloud Atlas (2012) with the coming head-scratcher Jupiter Ascending (2014), which looks at least as weird and bad as the Tom Hanks turkey from last year. Then they are set to work on the TV-series Sense8 (2014).


Related post:


1996 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess

Another poster for Bound

Watch the trailer here, which isn't as good as the film

Budget: 6 mil. $
Box office: 3.8 mil. $
= Flop

What do you think of Bound?
Other cool mob-related films with female protagonists?

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