Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Seeking Asylum/Chiedo Asilo (1979) - Ferreri and Benigni present a cart of Italian bull

Roberto Benigni, goofing around with some kids, on the poster for Marco Ferreri's Seeking Asylum


A Goofy-resembling man becomes a kindergarten teacher and the institution's 'father', an eternally performing clown, who ends up kidnapping a group of kids to his pregnant girlfriend in Sardinia without a lira in his pocket.

Roberto Benigni (Life Is Beautiful/La Vita è Bella (1997)), who also co-wrote this film, has charisma, and so do some of the other Italians in it. Asylum is interesting as a radical portrait of a nation (Italy). It's got a few memorable images, among them SPOILER the last one of Benigni and the previously mute boy on the beach.
Asylum is mostly without plot and conflict. It values are derailed. In truth, it is some anarchistic twaddle. A really uncommitted and male-chauvinistic movie from co-writer/director Marco Ferreri (La Grande Bouffe (1973)).

In lieu of a trailer for this film, which isn't to be found on Youtube, here is a clip of the traditionally over-the-top Benigni as he receives his Oscar for his performance in Life Is Beautiful

Cost: Unknown
Box office: Unknown
= Unknown

What do you think of Seeking Asylum?
If you know of the film's budget and box office numbers, please, inform us

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Eagerly anticipating this week ... (2-25)

Eagerly anticipating this week ... (2-25)
Walter Salles' I'm Still Here/Ainda Estou Aqui (2024)