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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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Charlie's Angels (2000) - McG's saucy Hollywood Entertainment winner

The fiery poster for McG's Charlie's Angels


Charlie's Angels is an update of a late-70s TV-series of three exquisite, young women, who work as spy agents for a millionaire named Charlie, who only speaks to them through an intercom.

In retrospect, this is a pretty bizarre film, and for a long stretch of the way it mostly looks like a grotesque sales exercise in all its rah-rah bling, colors, multiple music hits and star parade.
The three main stars, Cameron Diaz (There's Something About Mary (1998)), Drew Barrymore (Donnie Darko (2001)) and Lucy Liu (Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)), are beautiful and giggling yet strong as the cool heroines. There are several neat, handsome scenes and good ideas, and the first class supporting cast elevates the film, especially Tim Curry (It (1990)), Bill Murray, (Groundhog Day (1993)), Crispin Glover (Back to the Future (1985)) and Tom Green (Freddy Got Fingered (2001)).
Charlie's Angels is a crisp and fun spy action-comedy from director McG (This Means War (2012)), who is doing a tiny TV comedy right now, entitled Kevin From Work (2015). He also directed the less successful sequel, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003).

Stars Lucy Liu, Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz from McG's Charlie's Angels

It's not hard to see why audiences everywhere flocked to see Charlie's Angels. - It looks awesome! See its trailer here

Cost: 93 mil. $
Box office: 264.1 mil. $
= Box office success
[With the film's large budget, a slighter result than this might not have prompted a sequel, (although with booming DVD sales and TV, the film must have racked in plenty of dough.) ABC launched a new Charlie's Angels TV-series in 2011, which was canceled after its first season.]

What do you think of Charlie's Angels?
If you've seen the original series, or the newest attempt, please, tell us about it/them

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