Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Caddyshack (1980) - And you thought golf was boring?

The wacky poster for Harold Ramis' Caddyshack


Caddyshack presents the life of a golf club: An assisting grass-responsible is chasing gophers, a rich Jew threatens to buy the establishment, and a young caddy is fighting to get the club's college grant.

Caddyshack is an outrageous crazy-comedy with deadpan-champ Chevy Chase (Community (2009-14)), a darkly comedic, sleazy Bill Murray (St. Vincent (2014)), and choleric Rodney Dangerfield (Back to School (1986)) in his film break-through. - And there's slapstick comedy in it too!
This sports comedy classic is co-written and directed by the recently passed on Harold Ramis (Groundhog Day (1993)).

Bill Murray, early in his career, in Harold Ramis' Caddyshack

Watch the trailer for the movie here

Cost: 6 mil. $
Box office: 39.8 mil. $ (North America only)
= Huge hit
[Caddyshack was the 17th biggest film at the US box office of the year. It has since grown in popularity. It has been shown on the Golf Channel, and it is Tiger Woods' favorite movie (!). Initially, the only country outside North America where the film was a hit, was in Denmark.]

What do you think of Caddyshack?
If you've seen the derided 1988 sequel, what do you think of it?

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