Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Horrors of Spider Island/Ein Toter Hing im Netz/It's Hot in Paradise (1960) - West-German bikini/monster trash


A dark and hairy monster that attacks beautiful blondes are promised on this sensationalistic poster for Fritz Böttger's Horrors of Spider Island

A plane with dancers and their manager crashes into the sea on its way to Singapore. The group rescue themselves onto an island, where the manager gets bitten by a radioactive giant spider and becomes a blood-thirsty monster.


Horrors of Spider Island is written and directed by Fritz Böttger (Die Junggesellenfalle (1953)), with Eldon Howard (Sentenced for Life (1960, story)) and Albert G. Miller (The Spider's Web (1960)) contributing to the script. The original German title translates to, 'a corpse hung in the web'.

When the group arrive on the island their male leader finds a peculiar stick and immediately figures out that a search for uranium must have taken place here, (the girls just ask, if they can eat uranium.) The girls/women otherwise mostly distinguish themselves by moaning, dancing, fighting and loudly observing how damn hot it is on the exotic island!

The special effects and the pancake-thin characters are probably the worst parts of this decided stinker.


Here is a trailer for the movie


Cost: Unknown

Box office: Unknown

= Uncertain

[Horrors of Spider Island was released 16 April (West Germany) and runs 82 minutes. Shooting took place from October - November 1959 in Yugoslavia (now Croatia). In North America the film was released as It's Hot in Paradise in 1962 and then with more of a sci-fi/monster flavor in a longer cut in 1965 as Horrors of Spider Island. Info on the film's cost and gross numbers are regrettably not to be found. Böttger left directing alone after the film and continued to work as a screenwriter. 3.9k+ IMDb users have given Horrors of Spider Island a 2.6/10 average rating.]


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