Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


The Man of the Year/O Homem do Ano (2003) - Skillfully crafted, morally questionable crime drama



Snapshots from the film are showcased on this poster for José Henrique Fonseca's The Man of the Year

In one of Rio's poor neighborhoods, Máiquel loses a bet and so has get his hair bleached, and he is consequently mocked. He shoots the thug who mocked him, and this makes him the hero of the turf, and gives him aspirations towards becoming a killer for hire.

The Man of the Year is written by Rubem Fonseca (Stelinha (1990)), based on the 1995 novel O Matador by Patrícia Melo (Bufo & Spallanzani (2001)), and directed by feature debuting José Henrique Fonseca (August/Agosto (1993, miniseries)).

Done by skilled people, The Man of the Year nevertheless glamorizes murder and drugs by assuming that we forgive the characters their atrocities. But firstly they are neither interesting nor charismatic enough in order for us to consider this as audiences to their escapades.

The film's first half, in which Máiquel's life changes, he gets a pig, - one of the amusing parts of The Man of the Year, - and his victim's girlfriend moves in with him (Brazilian logic I guess), is the best. Over-all though, The Man of the Year is hardly a recommendable experience.


Fonseca talks about his next film on the red carpet here in a 4-minute video (in Portuguese)


Cost: Unknown

Box office: Unknown

= Uncertain

[The Man of the Year premiered 11 April (Cognac Film Festival) and runs 113 minutes. Shooting took place in Brazil. The film had general releases in Brazil and the UK and festival screenings in several other markets. Cost and box office details are regrettably hard to come by online. Fonseca returned with Mandrake (2005-07) and theatrically with Heleno/O Príncipe Maldito (2011). Murilo Benício (Doomed/Amores Roubados (2014, miniseries)), who plays Máiquel, returned in Sexo, Amor e Traição (2004). 2.9k+ IMDb users have given The Man of the Year a 7.2/10 average rating.]

What do you think of The Man of the Year?

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