Eagerly anticipating this week ... (12-24)

Eagerly anticipating this week ... (12-24)
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Three Colors: Blue/Trois Couleurs: Bleu (1993) - Life and loss in Kieslowski's lyrical masterpiece

+ Breakthrough of the Year, Female: Juliette Binoche + Best Drama of the Year + Best French Movie of the Year  

The French poster for Krzysztof Kieslowski's French/Swiss/Polish co-production Three Colors: Blue


Julie experiences that her husband and daughter perish in a car accident, but that she survives. Her husband was one of the greatest composers of their time, and she is devastated by their deaths.
Bleu is a work of art of enormous strength. It is about human frailty, working through profound loss and experiencing something like an absence of abysmal grief.
Juliette Binoche's (Hidden/Caché (2005)) performance is deeply emotional and intimate. The photography by Slawomir Idziak (Black Hawk Down (2001)) is staggeringly beautiful, and the music by Zbigniew Preisner (It's All About Love (2003)) completes this lyrical-poetic masterpiece.
The Polish director Krzystof Kieslowski (Dekalog: The Ten Commandments (1989-90)) completed Bleu as the first in his trilogy based upon the tricolore, (blue, white and red), from the French flag, symbolizing liberty, equality and fraternity. The following White (1994) and Red (1994) in the trilogy are so-called comedies, but mostly deeply unfunny, and don't at all reach the majestic heights of Blue. Kieslowski passed away not long after completing this trilogy and remains one of the top Polish directors ever.

Related posts:

Krzysztof Kieslowski: 1993 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess 

Top 10: Best French movies

Juliette Binoche in probably her finest work ever in Kieslowski's Blue

Budget: Unknown
Box office: 1.3 mil. $ (US only)
= Uncertainty

What is your experience with Blue?
Have you seen other Kieslowski films, and if so, how did you find them?

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