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Incident On and Off a Mountain Road (2005, TV movie) - Coscarelli violently opens the Masters of Horror ball



A home video cover with a portrait of director Don Coscarelli next to the vicious monster in his Incident On and Off a Mountain Road

A young woman driver skids out on a mountain road in the dark and is soon after assaulted by a sadistic, pale monster, who deals with those that cannot stay on the road ...


Incident On and Off a Mountain Road is written by Stephen Romano (Our Mother's Secret Affair (2024, TV movie)) and co-writer/director Don Coscarelli (Jim, the World's Greatest (1975)), adapting a short story by Joe R. Lansdale's (Dead Aim (2013)).

Coscarelli opens Mick Garris' Masters of Horror TV movie series with a grim tale that halfway works: The scenes of the young woman and her dubious man don't really work, as we fail to grasp - and believe - that the two are married. But the raw and somewhat humorous scenes in the monster's basement of horrors with the well invented Buddy character are eerie and good. SPOILER The ending, in which the woman does a 180, is hard to swallow. 

Incident On and Off a Mountain Road is a noisy and not at all bad TV horror movie.


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Other Masters of Horror TV movies: 2006 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I]

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Watch a clip from the film here


Cost: Unknown

Box office: None - TV movie

= Uncertain

[Incident On and Off a Mountain Road premiered 28 October (Showtime channel, North America) and runs 51 minutes. Shooting took place in British Columbia. Coscarelli returned with John Dies at the End (2012). Bree Turner (Wakey Wakey (2012)) returned in 1/4life (2005, TV movie). 6k+ IMDb users have given Incident On and Off a Mountain Road a 6.5/10 average rating.]

What do you think of Incident On and Off a Mountain Road?

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