Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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The Mechanic (2011) - West's dull, flawed action remake

Jason Statham looks good hanging in a rope on the poster for Simon West's The Mechanic

Arthur Bishop is the title 'mechanic', a hard-skinned assassin. He gets a job of cleaning up after a bloody leak and kills an old ally. Then he trains the man's son.

It is hard to get engaged in Jason Statham's (Death Race (2008)) protagonist character, SPOILER after he kills wheelchair-bound Donald Sutherland (Virus (1999)) in cold blood. T And the casting of Tony Goldwyn (The 6th Day (2000)) as his boss, SPOILER who of course turns out to be the real villain, is too obvious.
Mechanic is a silly action remake of The Mechanic (1972) with Charles Bronson, SPOILER that ends in a similarly silly, explosive finale.
Ben Foster (Six Feet Under (2003-05)) has one good scene in the film, in which he seduces a huge assassin and then fights him - to the death!
But all in all it is very hard to get involved with Mechanic, a slick and dull film. It is written by Richard Wenk (The Equalizer (2014)) and Lewis John Carlino (The Mechanic (1972)) and directed by Simon West (Con Air (1997)), a prolific Hollywood director who has still to make a good film. He currently has three films in development, among them a remake of The Blob (1958) for next year.

Related posts:

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2011 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III] 
2011 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II]
2011 in films - according to Film Excess  

 Watch the trailer for the movie here

Cost: 40 mil. $
Box office: 76.3 mil. $
= Big flop
[Mechanic had an 11.4 mil. $ North-American opening weekend and grossed 29.1 mil. $ there (38 % of the total gross). Despite its flop status, a sequel is in post production, Mechanic: Resurrection (2016), again starring Statham and co-starring Tommy Lee Jones, Jessica Alba and Michelle Yeoh.]

What do you think of The Mechanic?

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