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Machine Gun Preacher (2011) - Butler finds faith and a Sudanese purpose in Forster's incredible true story

+ Best Religious Movie of the Year

Gerard Butler stands up to injustice on this poster for Marc Forster's Machine Gun Preacher

Sam Childers is a no-good drug addict until one serious misdeed gets him to turn his life around, find Jesus and a purpose in his life: To start an orphanage in war-torn Sudan.

Machine Gun Preacher is a true story, written by Jason Keller (Mirror Mirror: The Untold Adventures of Snow White (2012)) and directed by Marc Forster (Stranger than Fiction (2006)). It is straight forward, at times corny and not for those who don't love America, Jesus and/or freedom. And if it wasn't based on a true story, few would undoubtedly believe it.
But the film also surprises with a serious and angry portrayal of the despairing situation in Sudan. Childers' growing desperation and provocation at the excesses of America are acutely rendered. Machine Gun Preacher is, actually, an edgy and incredible story, moving and inspiring all in one, which dares to bring up some of the nauseating inequalities and material wastefulness in the world that's so often taboo at the movies.
Gerard Butler (The Bounty Hunter (2010)) gives a dedicated performance and is backed up by good Michelle Monaghan (Eagle Eye (2008)), Michael Shannon (The Harvest (2013)) and various African actors.
SPOILER The revelatory scene with the boy in the 3rd act is a little thick, but the film as a whole works outstandingly.

Related post:

2011 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III] 

Watch the trailer for the film here

Cost: 30 mil. $
Box office: 3.3 mil. $
= Mega-flop
[Machine Gun Preacher got generally lukewarm reviews and a freezing reception by the public: It made 0.5 mil. $ (15 % of the total gross) in the US. Many were undoubtedly offended by the title, although historically, movie titles and audiences have not shied away from the sensational and bad-tasty. A big shame, since Machine Gun Preacher dares to go to difficult places with its sense intact. The film was shot on location in Africa, - an exhausting shoot that also reportedly claimed two production people's lives, although details about this have not been shared. Forster went on from this and made the successful, comparatively utterly pointless World War Z (2013).]

What do you think of Machine Gun Preacher?

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