Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Cecilie (2007) - Well-made but unoriginal Danish horror

The poster for Hans Fabian Wullenweber's Cecilie


Cecilie is an effective, Danish shocker, which draws heavily on several horror movies from the 10-15 years preceding it, but works, although without inventing anything new. An essentially trite horror flick as Cecilie isn't any better just because it's Danish.
Sonja Richter (The Woman Who Dreamed of a Man/Kvinden Der Drømte om en Mand (2010)) is good, and the film's cold look supplies goosebumps, and then there are some fairly good scenes: SPOILER The hypnosis scene and the youth party for example are not bad at all.
But still, though Cecilie works in some ways impeccably, it is far from sophistication.
It is directed by Roskilde-born director Hans Fabian Wullenweber (The Killing/Forbrydelsen (2007-12)) and scripted by Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg.

Sonja Richter doesn't know who to trust, in Hans Fabian Wullenweber's Cecilie

Watch the trailer with English subtitles here

Budget: Unknown
Box office: Unknown
= Unknown

What do you think of Cecilie?
What's the best Danish horror movie you've seen?
And from the other Scandinavian countries?

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