Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West/Buffalo Bill, l'Eroe del Far West (1964) or, Cowboys and Indians in the Good Old Italian West

A hyper-sexualized scene of impending bloodled is teased on this sensationalistic poster for Mario Costa's Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West

Buffalo Bill is the man, who can function diplomatically as a broker between the parties and thus prevent the grand war against the Indians that bad folks on both sides want. - But with so high odds against him, will he succeed?

Buffalo Bill is written by Nino Stresa (Un Hombre y un Colt (1967)) and Luciano Martino (In Camera Mia (1992)), with Ernesto Gastaldi (Stradivari (1988)), Louis Agotay (Haus im Haus (1952, short)) and Piette Lévy-Corti (Les Culottes Rouges (1962)) contributing uncredited work, and directed by Mario Costa (La Sua Strada (1946)). The title is a literal translation of the original Italian title.

It is an early spaghetti western with its forte in lots of fighting and shooting scenes. There is drama with kidnapped beautiful women on both sides, and Gordon Scott (Goliath e la Schiava Ribelle (1963)) plays the big-muscled title hero with his heart surely in the right place.
Photography-wise, cinematographer Massimo Dallamano (A Fistful of Dollars/Per un Pugno di Dollari (1964)) is too wobbly for Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West to strike one as a good film, even thought it is entertaining.

Watch a trailer for the film here

Cost: Unknown
Box office: Unknown
= Uncertain

[Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West was released 19 November (Italy) and runs 100 minutes. Shooting took place in Rome, Italy. Details of the film's release results, mainly in Europe, are regrettably not available online, - but it is highly likely that it was a box office success. It was not released in North America. Costa returned with Karim ibn el Sheikh (1964). Scott's return was also in this film. 219 IMDb users have given Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West a 4.5/10 average rating.]


What do you think of Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West?

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