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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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Take the Trash/Blå Mænd (2008) - Heide's Danish trash comedy

The four main stars of Rasmus Heide's Take the Trash look ready to goof it up on this poster

An arrogant IT salesman commits a blunder and receives a community service sentence that is to be effected in a junkyard. Here he learns something about people and fellowship. And meets a sexy lady who for inscrutable reasons comes there quite often.

Take the Trash is written by Mick Øgendahl (All for One/Alle for Én (2011)) and debuting co-writer-director Rasmus Heide (All for Two/Alle for To (2013)).
The script tries to give us an acceptable presentation of its environments, but it seems like Øgendahl and Heide don't have a clue about them. The story is served with a semi-serious tone, but the material is so languid and caricatured that it seems very foolish to think that we would buy any of it.
Thure Lindhardt (Light Thereafter (2017)) is not very funny and far from convincing as the protagonist. Most of Take the Trash's light moments come from Sidse Babett Knudsen (Mona's World/Monas Verden (2001)), who goes all-in as a day-dreaming, lesbian character with a violent streak.
The film is ugly technically and has obvious problems of getting its running time up to a suitable length for a theatrical comedy. Take the Trash is a cheap and poor Danish attempt at nailing the modern farce with American influences. Near its ending the film lets out some extra-tasteless, unfunny gay jokes that stress Øgendahl and Heide's maturity level, which is about at level with a backwards 9 year-old.

Related posts:

Rasmus HeideAll for One/Alle for Én (2011) - Heide and Øgendahl's flawed but funny Danish crime comedy

2008 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III] 

2008 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II] 
2008 in films - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I]
2008 in films - according to Film Excess

Watch a trailer for the film here (regrettably without English subtitles)

Cost: 10 mil. DKK, approximately 1.56 mil. $
Box office: Unknown - but likely around 32.8 mil. DKK, approximately 5.11 mil. $
= Box office success (approximately 3.27 times the cost)
[Take the Trash was released 15 August (Denmark) and runs 85 minutes. Shooting took place in Denmark, including Copenhagen, from September - October 2007. The film was a hit in Denmark, its only release country, where it sold 438,047 tickets. If you multiply this by 75 DKK, which was around the average ticket prize in Denmark at the time, you get the 32.8 mil. DKK gross listed above. The film won 2/6 Robert awards (Danish Oscar) - both audience awards. Heide returned with The Christmas Party/Julefrokosten (2009). Lindhardt returned in Little Soldier/Lille Soldat (2008). 3,291 IMDb users have given Take the Trash a 5.8/10 average rating.]

What do you think of Take the Trash?

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