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Frances Ha (2012) or, Growing Older Ain't Easy

+ Best New York Movie of the Year
+ Best Poster of the Year

The chic, lovely poster for Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha

Frances lives in New York with her 'clone'-friend Sophie, but they might not really be all that similar after all. And there's quite a few other things as well that are not really coming together for Frances lately.

Mickey Sumner and Greta Gerwig in Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha

Greta Gerwig (Greenberg (2010)) really possesses her title character here, - whom she co-wrote with Noah Baumbach, - and does so with a delightful authenticity. The smart lines of the film amuse, - although I'm not charmed by the glib NY-manners. Still, I found myself relating to situation upon situation in the life of Frances.
The film has some lovely montages, an original visual expression, - molded in B/W to brush against nouvelle vague and Woody Allen films, - nice music choices, - and Frances at one point delivers an extremely fine, poignant explanation of love.
Her dancing around the streets and intersections of New York are certain to make the film a cult hit that will live on. Beautiful, chic and melancholic, Frances Ha was one of the best movies of 2012.
Co-writer/director Baumbach (Kicking and Screaming (1995)) made his probably best film yet with The Squid and the Whale (2005), but Frances Ha seems perhaps just as good. Baumbach has several projects in the making; a documentary, an 'untitled public school project' with Gerwig, and a dramedy with Ben Stiller and lots of other good names involved titled While We're Young (2015). Sounding very good... 

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2012 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III]
2012 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II]

Watch the fine trailer here

Budget: Unknown
Box office: 8.3 mil. $
= Unknown

How did you like Frances Ha?
What do you think of Noah Baumbach and his movies?

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