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Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia (1964) - New US actor in hopeless Hercules effort


This dramatic and colorful poster for Domenico Paolella's Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia seems to indicate that the film is in 3D (it isn't)

Few are with Hercules! And many are against him!

Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia is written by Luciano Martino (Il Tifoso, l'Arbitro e il Calciatore (1982)) and co-writer/director Domenico Paolella (Gli Ultimi della Strada (1940)). The Italian title translates to 'Hercules against the tyrant of Babylon'.

The short, simple outline above seems to more or less be the plot of this bizarre mess. The oiled-up Hercules (Peter Lupus (Police Squad! (1982, TV-series)) billed as Rock Stevens) goes through the film without a shadow of humanity, - his facial expression is vacant, as he for instance ignores the omnipresent slaves.

Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia mainly consists of seemingly endless, wretchedly choreographed fights, as Hercules meets and faces various antagonists: In the end these are 'boosted' with the use of archive footage of a horseback attack. The script is about as agile as a tree trunk. The photography (by Augusto Tiezzi (Il Mostro dell'Isola (1954))) is helpless. The acting - and dubbing - deplorable. Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia makes you wonder if Hercules presides over the worst movie franchise in the world?


Related posts:


Other Hercules movies: Hercules (2014) - Ratner and Johnson's forgettable noisemaker 

Hercules in New York (1970) - Arnie's big, bulging debut 

Hercules and the Captive Women/Ercole alla conquista di Atlantide/Hercules and the Conquest of Atlantis/Hercules Conquers Atlantis (1961) - Reg Park debuts in rotten peplum pic 

Hercules Unchained/Ercole e la Regina di Lidia (1959) - Spaghetti decadence never fades


Watch a trailer for the film here

Cost: Unknown

Box office: Unknown

= Uncertain

[Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia was released 25 December (Italy) and runs 90 minutes. Little is noted of the production, which seems to only have been theatrically released domestically in Italy and in France. The cost and gross details are not to be found online. The film is in public domain and can be seen and downloaded free and legally right here. Paolella returned with Golia alla Conquista di Bagdad (1965); which was also Lupus' next film, in which he played Goliath! 517 IMDb users have given Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia a 4.2/10 average rating.]

What do you think of Ercole Contro i Tiranni di Babilonia?

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