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Mary Shelley (2017) - Al-Mansour stumbles badly in inauspicious second work


Title star Elle Fanning has a strangely green-colored eye on this otherwise almost uniformly grey poster for Haifaa Al-Mansour's Mary Shelley

Young Mary Godwin falls in love with young poet Percy Shelley as she mysteriously authors her masterpiece Frankenstein (1818).


Mary Shelley is written by Emma Jensen (I Am Woman (2019)) and great Saudi-Arabian co-writer/director Haifaa Al-Mansour's (Wadjda (2017)), based on the true conception of Frankenstein.

Though failed in almost every way, I still give this surely well-meant (and harmless) second feature from Al-Mansour a generous 2 hearts. We don't get any the wiser on the creation of Frankenstein, and the romance between the two youths, - which is poetical rather than carnal, - never becomes interesting. - For one thing they both seem too young for the dramatic observations that fall out of their mouths.

The actors do nicely and pull the film up, though it is a weak script handled by a director with no discernable independent direction for her film.


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Watch a trailer for the film here


Cost: Unknown

Box office: 2-2.7 mil. $ (different sources)

= Uncertain - but likely a huge flop

[Mary Shelley premiered 9 September (Toronto International Film Festival) and runs 121 minutes. 15 governmental support organs and production companies collaborated in the financing and making of the film. Shooting took place in France, Luxembourg and Dublin, Ireland. The film opened #58 to a 12k £ first weekend in 2 theaters in North America, where it peaked at #49 and in 30 theaters, grossing 108k $ (4 % of the total gross). The film's 3 biggest markets were France with 557k $ (20.6 %), Italy with 422k $ (15.6 %) and Spain with 360k $ (13.3 %). Apparently the film was not screened in Al-Mansour's own country Saudi-Arabia. If made on a likely 5 mil. $ budget, the film would rank as a huge flop or possibly even a mega-flop. Al-Mansour returned with The Wedding Singer's Daughter (2018, short) and theatrically with Nappily Ever After (2018). Elle Fanning (Super 8 (2011)) returned in I Think We're Alone Now (2018). Mary Shelley is rotten at 39 % with a 5.60/10 critical average at Rotten Tomatoes.]

What do you think of Mary Shelley?

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