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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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Slack Bay/Ma Loute (2016) - Dumont's fabulous, absurd crime-comedy



+ Best Absurd Comedy of the Year + Best French Movie of the Year 


A curiously dressed, mustachioed man with characters, a couple apparently floating, arranged around him on this bright poster for Bruno Dumont's Slack Bay

In a small French coastal community near the English Channel tourists go missing in the year 1910, and an investigation into the matter mounts.


Slack Bay is written and directed by great French filmmaker Bruno Dumont (The Life of Jesus/La Vie de Jésus (1997)).

It is a unique and very worthwhile, strange pearl of a movie, tight and wonderfully picturesque in its imagery and widescreen cinematic photography (by Guillaume Deffontaines (Dog/Chien (2017)). Long periods of the film simply look like classical art. The plot nevertheless never takes a break and can best be described as animated absurd-comedy on a higher plane.

Juliette Binoche (Alice et Martin (1998)) and Fabrice Luchini (Uranus (1990)) as the married couple are both glorious as basking, hysterical upper class snobs, and Raph (Travelers (2018, short)) is enchanting and brave as Billie, while Brandon Lavieville (The Summer House/Les Estivants (2018)) is fascinating as the raw yet tender title character Ma Loute. The film over-all has eminent casting. Didier Després (Li'l Quinquin (2014, miniseries)) as the Detective Inspector is also delightful.

Whether there is societal critique at play here or mostly just grotesque tomfoolery is anyone's guess. (The film deals also with gender fluidity, flight and cannibalism.) Slack Bay is in any case a really wonderful and head-scratching film.


Related post:


2016 in films - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III]


Watch a trailer for the film here


Cost: 7.5 mil. €, approximately 8.9 mil. $

Box office: 4.9 mil. $

= Huge flop (returned 0.65 times its cost)

[Slack Bay premiered 13 May (Cannes Film Festival, in competition) and runs 122 minutes. No less than 23 companies and governmental support bodies were involved with the financing and production of the film. Shooting took place in France. The film opened #68 to a 6k $ first weekend in 2 theaters in North America, where it widened to 6 theaters but never attained a higher position and grossed 112k $ (2.3 % of the total gross). The 3 biggest markets were France with 4.2 mil. $ (85.7 %), Spain with 134k $ (2.7 %) and Switzerland with 123k $ (2.5 %). The film won a minor award in Cannes and was nominated for 9 César awards, among other honors. Dumont returned with Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc/Jeannette, l'Enfance de Jeanne d'Arc (2017). Binoche returned in Polina, Danser sa Vie (2016); Luchini in Call My Agent!/Dix pour Cent (2017, TV-series) and theatrically in Un Homme Pressé (2018); and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (A Good Year (2006)) in Like Crazy/La Pazza Gioia (2016). Slack Bay is fresh at 65 % with a 6.00/10 critical average at Rotten Tomatoes.]

What do you think of Slack Bay?

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