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Sharknado (2013, TV movie) - A trashy TV franchise fed to life by online trending


The sensational, simultaneously awful-looking and cool-looking poster for Anthony C. Ferrante's Sharknado


A tornado is heading for Los Angeles, which somehow pulls an enormous batch of blood-thirsty sharks up into itself, making it a double danger!

If movies in general were heading towards the level that meets the eyes and ears of Sharknado audiences, it would be grounds for revolt and very harsh words indeed. But as this in no way seems to be the case, Sharknado can be seen without gloomy consternation.

- Maybe! Because it is still a grotesquely off-puttingly executed, demonstratively flaw- and ugliness-determined plate of trash. Sharknado is a really bizarre LA-concoction, overcrowded with clueless idiots and awfully-looking CGI sharks. The really dumb lines that spout from the mouths of Ian Ziering (Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990-00)), Tara Reid (American Pie (1999)), John Heard (Gamers (2006)) and the guy with the terrible British/Australian accent are, however, not rarely quite fun, and especially so in the latter two acts of the film.

Sharknado is written by Thunder Levin (Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood! (2008)) and directed by Anthony C. Ferrante (Boo (2005)). Ultimately, it is a hard film to assess, because it was so obviously made intentionally crappy. - That ambition was fulfilled!

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In this video, 'Youtubers' react to Sharknado - enjoy ...

Cost: Reportedly 2 mil. $

Box office: Reportedly 0.2 mil. $ (special August 2 US midnight event screening)

= Unknown (but looks like a sure TV movie hit)

[Sharknado premiered on SyFy July 11 and runs 85 minutes. Filming took place in California. Ziering has stated that he agreed to do the film after pressure from his pregnant wife, so that he could get health insurance through the Screen Actors Guild. The premiere was seen by 1.37 mil. viewers, below SyFy's average for their original films. Because of a Twitter trend, the station repeated the screening a week later, where ratings grew to 1.89 mil. 9 days later, a third showing attracted 2.1 mil. viewers. The midnight screening event was planned for 200 screens, and sequels were set in motion. To date, there are 4 Sharknado TV movies. Sharknado is fresh at 81 % with a 6.1 critical average at Rotten Tomatoes.]


What do you think of Sharknado?

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