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Due Date (2010) or, Riding with Tremblay

Robert Downey Jr. and Zack Galifianakis are the odd couple of Todd Phillips' Due Date


A businessman is caught in the countryside, when he finds himself on a 'no-fly' list due to a moron he runs into, who subsequently becomes his driving partner back to Los Angeles.

I had to give in to Due Date pretty early in the film. - It's funny. Funny writing and amusingly played by Robert Downey Jr. (Wonder Boys (2000)) and Zack Galifianakis (Youth in Revolt (2009)) with Juliette Lewis (August: Osage County (2013)), Danny McBride (This Is the End (2013)) and Jamie Foxx (Django Unchained (2012)) doing great in funny supporting roles.
The film is co-written by Alan R. Cohen (American Dad (2010-12)), Alan Freedland (King of the Hill (1997-02)), Adam Sztykiel (Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015)) and great Brooklynite co-writer/director Todd Phillips (The Hangover (2009)), inspired by the classic comedy Plains, Trains and Automobiles (1987)). 
Once again Phillips is putting something out in the world about the great difficulties of being a middle-aged, well-off, white male in America. - It's incredible he can make it float! Meanwhile there's a dark, almost misanthropic core to Due Date, - in which every one is simply ridiculous. I found it frequently hysterical.

Related review:

Todd PhillipsThe Hangover Part II (2011) - Phillips & Co. follow up their sensational comedy hit with a disappointing sequel

Watch the trailer for the film here, - if you don't find it amusing at all, the film isn't for you

Cost: 65 mil. $
Box office: 211.7 mil. $
= Box office success
[Due Date premiered October 31 (at the Night Visions film festival in Helsinki) and runs 95 minutes. Due Date was shot on location in New Mexico, Georgia and Alabama. The movie opened #2, behind Megamind, to a 32.6 mil. $ opening weekend in North America, where it grossed 100.5 mil. $ (47.5 % of the total gross). The 2nd and 3rd biggest markets for the film were the UK with 16.3 mil. $ (7.7 %) and Germany with 13 mil. $ (6.1 %). Due Date is rotten at 40 % with a 5.2 critical average on Rotten Tomatoes.]

What do you think of Due Date?

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