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Daisy Diamond (2007) - Staho's feel-bad baby drama

+ Best Feel-Bad Movie of the Year

The elegant and ominous poster for Simon Staho's Daisy Diamond


Anna is a single mother with her baby girl Daisy. She attends auditions, but Daisy disrupts with her screams, and there is no one there to help Anna out.

Daisy Diamond is the 4th feature from Danish writer-director Simon Staho (The Miracle/Miraklet (2013)), co-written with Peter Asmussen (Bridgend (2015)). It is a relentlessly gloomy, unpleasant film, which plays with our perception of the narrative's reality more than once at Anna's auditions that mirror her personal misery.
It features an impressive ensemble of fine Danish actors headed by Swede Noomi Rapace (The Drop (2014)), who gives herself over to her part and Staho to an impressive degree.
The film is wild, daring and uncompromising. Everyone is a bastard, which also comes over a bit one-sided. - The colossal Weltschmerz that drives through Daisy Diamond is somewhat sophomoric, and its seemingly unending close-ups are at times vulgar. Also, the confessional scene with Dejan Cukic (Borgia (2011-14)) doesn't work.
Still, Daisy Diamond is an intensely nightmarish, subjectively realistic drama.

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2007 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II]
2007 in films - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I] 

Watch a preview for the film with English subtitles here

Cost: Reportedly 1 mil. $
Box office: Unknown
= Unknown (but undoubtedly a mega-flop)
[Daisy Diamond was released November 23 and runs 99 minutes. It was shot in Brøndby Strand, Denmark. Only 2,337 bought admission to the film in its native country. It has been shown at 6 international film festivals, and Rapace won the two top actress honors in Denmark of the year, the Bodil and Robert awards, for her portrayal of Anna. Trine Dyrholm (The Celebration/Festen (1998)) was also nominated for Best Supporting Actress at both functions for her acting in the film. Controversy arose in Sweden due to possible abuse of the babies used as actors in the film, without any response given from Staho or Rapace. Daisy Diamond has been given a 6.1 rating by 829 IMDb-users.]

What do you think of Daisy Diamond?

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