Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Speed Walking/Kapgang (2014) - Funny and sweetly nostalgic 70's coming-of-age in rural Denmark

'Welcome to the adult world' is the tagline for Niels Arden Oplev's Speed Walking

Martin is soon getting his confirmation (a Christian rite-of-passage for teenagers), and as he comes home one day, he has lost his mother to cancer. In the time following this profound loss, Martin is also very interested in a girl in the neighborhood. And a boy.

Set somewhere in the 1970's Jutland, Speed Walking is a sweet, fun, unpretentious and charming coming-of-age dramedy. - Surprisingly amusing and with very fine acting by debuting actor Villads Bøye as the boy Martin and the two other kids, Kraka Donslund Nielsen and Frederik Winther Rasmussen. Backing them up is a barrage of wonderful Danish actors: Especially Sidse Babett Knudsen (Borgen (2010-13)) is a treat here, and her delivery is flawless and particularly funny if you understand Danish. Anders W. Berthelsen (Mifune/Mifunes Sidste Sang (1999)) is also great as the unprepared father, and Kristian Halken (Dark Horse/Voksne Mennesker (2005)) makes a good, vague country priest.
The film takes a light tone to its theme of youth and reminds its audience that even in the midst of tragedy, a teenager will be a teenager. The sports angle, - the film's title refers to a particular and very amusing type of fast-walking discipline that Martin excels in in his village, - only further lightens the terrific film.
It is directed by great Danish filmmaker Niels Arden Oplev (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo/Män Som Hatar Kvinnor (2009)).

Related post:

Niels Arden OplevThe Girl With the Dragon Tattoo/Män Som Hatar Kvinnor (2009) - An exciting adult ride in sadism and mystery from cold cold Sweden

Villads Bøye and Sidse Babett Knudsen in Niels Arden Oplev's Speed Walking

Watch the trailer with English subtitles for this deeply sweet movie here

Cost: Estimated 22.5 mil. DKK (3.7 mil. $)
Box office: Unknown
= Unknown

What do you think of Speed Walking?

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