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Eagerly anticipating this week ... (6-24)
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Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (2005, video) - Quality-bereft, exploitative zombie trash


+ Worst Movie of the Year

This poster for Ana Clavell and James Glenn Dudelson's Day of the Dead 2: Contagium tries to rip off the style of the poster for George A. Romero's original, great Day of the Dead (1985)


The zombie virus comes to America from Russia. Decades later, some lunatics find a thermos with the disease and bring it back to their asylum.

This is filmmaking at its least pretty. The idea is bad, although not necessarily horrendous. Unfortunately this entire movie is carried through completely deprived of simple logic and talent. Everything is wrong with Day of the Dead 2: Contagium. And let me make it absolutely clear; this production has nothing to do with George A. Romero, his great Day of the Dead (1984) or his entire Dead franchise. Contagium is a name-only attempt to ride on the back of an existing success to make a buck.
The movie is over-lit, full of annoying shaky-cam, head-scratchingly poorly written, without any charm, gross in the uncool way, full of bad effects and even worse acting. Nothing is okay about Day of the Dead 2: Contagium.
The film is directed by Ana Clavell (Chick Street Fighter (2003)) and James Glenn Dudelson (Lesson of the Assassin (2000)) and written by Clavell and Ryan Carrassi (The Pool 2 (2005)).
In short: avoid this film!


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2005 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I]  

Because no material concerning the film is available on Youtube, here instead is Beethoven's Silence, (which is undoubtedly a lot better anyway)

Cost: 1 mil. $
Box office: None (straight-to-DVD)
= Unknown
[Contagium was shot in LA in April 2004. A 10-minute promo reel was shown and was badly received at the 2004 Fantasia International Film Festival. The film screened at London FrightFest Film Festival. It has no Tomatometer score, but nearly 3,000 IMDb users have awarded it a 2.2/10 rating there, - bottom of the barrel for sure.]

What do you think of Day of the Dead 2: Contagium?
Other exploitative horror or other genre films that must be avoided, in your opinion?

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