Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


Coach Carter (2005) or, Basketball and Beyond

+ Best Sports Movie of the Year

Samuel L. Jackson's stopping the basketball on the poster for Thomas Carter's Coach Carter carries symbolic weight for the story of the film


Carter is a veteran basketball champion, who now takes the challenge of training the basketball team of his old high school. But for Carter, success at ball isn't enough for the young men. His high ambitions bring him at a collision course with just about everyone.

Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction (1994)) is excellent as the proud, disciplined title hero, and he gets backed up here by a wealth of handsome young men like Robert Ri'chard (House of Wax (2005)), Antwon Tanner (One Tree Hill (2003-12)) and Channing Tatum (Side Effects (2013)) as well as Ashanti (Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)). This partly MTV Films production is also very enamored with its long string of contemporary (censored) hip-hop hits. - If any of the elements mentioned thus far are of interest to you, you should check out Coach Carter.
As the film takes its 3rd act leap, its conflicts unfortunately begin to repeat themselves in Mark Schwann (Whatever It Takes (2000)) and John Gatins' (Flight (2012)) script.
Still, Carter is a film with heart and sense behind its true story, and I couldn't help but getting happy in its company, despite its exaggerated pathos.
It is directed by Thomas Carter (When the Game Stands Tall (2014)). 


Related post:


2005 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I] 

Watch the great trailer for the film here

Cost: 30 mil. $
Box office: 76.6 mil. $
= Minor hit
[The film went # 1 in the US with a 24.2 mil. $ opening weekend, ending its 16-week domestic run with 67.2 mil. $, accounting for a whopping 88 % of the total gross. It seems to me that Coach Carter's distributors should have been able to scrape a better result together for the film internationally.]

What do you think of Coach Carter?

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