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Black Sheep (1996) - Maybe Chris Farley's funniest movie

+ Best Crazy-Comedy of the Year 

Chris Farley and David Spade on the hilarity-promising poster for Penelope Spheeris' Black Sheep


Here we have an ambitious gubernatorial candidate, whose fat, lead-footed brother so wants to help him out. So he pegs out a campaign worker to ensure that things stay under control as his brother 'helps out'. But pretty soon, damage control is the only kind of control that they can pursue.

Chris Farley is physically astonishing, in Penelope Spheeris' Black Sheep

Chris Farley (Beverly Hills Ninja (1997)) shows himself as a minor comical genius in the discipline of physical comedy here. Unfortunately, David Spade (Grown Ups (2010)) is totally inadequate as his weirdly wimpy 'buddy'.
Black Sheep is an over-the-top, overly happy, silly 90's comedy. Gary Busey (Lethal Weapon (1987)) and Tim Matheson (Animal House (1978)) are both in it as well and are both alright.
This laugh-fest contains many funny and crazy scenes.
There is much disagreement over the movie, though: Some consider it much worse than the buddy couple's previous, similar comedy, Tommy Boy (1995), but I think Black Sheep is far superior. It's far crazier, faster and has far more laughs.
The production of Black Sheep was troubled to say the least: A Paramount hired gig that no-one were very enthusiastic about, apparently, - which seems incredible when you see the film, - was made with a director, Penelope Spheeris (Wayne's World (1992)), who had a very bad relationship with one of the leads, diva Spade, who even claims to have gotten a permanent eye hyper-sensitivity to light-condition during the filming. Spheeris also had big problems with the film's writer Fred Wolf (Grown Ups 2 (2013)) whom she fired three times and eventually banned from the set.
All these facts almost only make the film even more legendary and incredible. - I should also mention that both Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert hated, - really HATED, - Black Sheep.
It all just goes to say ... if you haven't already, - WATCH Black Sheep!


Related post:


1996 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess

If this trailer doesn't make you laugh, don't watch Black Sheep ... And go to a mirror and look long and hard in it, because what kind of a person are you?!?

Budget: Unknown
Box office: 32.4 mil. $ (US only)

= A hit

What do you think of Black Sheep?
And of Chris Farley, David Spade and Farley's other movies?

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