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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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The Bucket List (2007) or, We All Deserve Better

Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson head the no-brainer by Rob Reiner, The Bucket List


Two elderly gentlemen meet at a double room in a hospital, because they both are dying of cancer. They make a bucket list and start to see the things they miss in life.

From beginning to end this is an unreal concept-movie. The two distinguished leads, Morgan Freeman (The Shawshank Redemption (1994)) and Jack Nicholson (The Shining (1980)) cannot salvage the fortune cookie-wise scenes of Bucket List from their lameness, but they do make the film bearable and sporadically enjoyable.
The human relations are portrayed mostly well in the movie, but the whole setup is nauseating and ridiculous: The Great Wall in China, the Himalayas and the Taj Mahal are all visited by the two, (for how could anyone have lived fully without having seen these sights (...)), - without any other tourists in sight!

Suddenly, fat Nicholson is sitting on a pyramid. Both he and Freeman look fit as a fiddle, until they suddenly wear bald-masks that look ridiculous.

Jack Nicholson, director Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman

Bucket List is directed by fine actor-director Rob Reiner (Stand By Me (1986)), but it is definitely a mistake, and best forgotten. A film that wants to be profound, but more resembles something idiotic: The Bucket List

Related reviews:

Morgan Freeman: Batman Begins (2005) or, Modern, Dark, Smooth Batman
Bruce Almighty (2003) - Carrey makes laughter in well-made what-if-you-were-God-comedy 
Amistad (1997) or, Must ... Free ... Slaves!
Driving Miss Daisy (1989) - A warm and funny film about friendship and life

Jack Nicholson:  About Schmidt (2002) or, Dear Ndugu...
Hells Angels on Wheels (1967) or, The Troglodyte Outlaws!
Rob Reiner: Actor: The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - A helluva movie!

Watch the film's trailer here

Budget: 45 mil. $
Box office: 175.3 mil. $
= Big hit

What do you think of The Bucket List?

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