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Black Snake Moan (2006) or, The Mississippi Blues

+ Most Undeserved Flop of the Year + Best Music Movie of the Year + Best Mississippi Movie of the Year

Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci make a sexually charged pair on the poster for Craig Brewer's Black Snake Moan


I love Black Snake Moan!
It's not 110 % perfect like some 6-hearted masterpieces are, but it has its heart so strongly in the right place and tells such a fantastic and multi-faceted story that I can't but bow down in the dust before it.
Samuel L. Jackson (Django Unchained (2012)) is brilliant, - although his blues-voice is nowhere near the strength of probable role models like John Lee Hooker or Howlin' Wolf. He plays an aging blues-man, who finds a young, white (!) nymphomaniac in the ditch and decides that he should right on some of the wrong in her life, because it is the will of God.
Christina Ricci (Anything Else (2003)) is equally amazing as Rae, the fiery young woman, and all the supporting parts are accomplished simply phenomenally.
The blues music, the longing and the pain all stream through this sexy, authentic, unique film, making it a soul-filled joy to watch and listen to. Moan is as much a music film about blues as it is a drama with sexual and societal overtones.

Ricci has disappointingly lashed out at the sexy posters for the film, (which, after all, she must have posed for at some point?), calling them exploitative of women and solely aimed at college boys. Both statements couldn't be farther from the truth. In any case, they unfortunately didn't get very many people to see this excellent gem of a movie.
Writer-director Craig Brewer (Hustle & Flow (2005)) of Virginia has yet to make anything else of anywhere near the imposing quality of Black Snake Moan, but he is also still just a relatively young director (of 42).

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2006 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III]

2006 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II]

2006 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I]

This trailer doesn't look like much, but trust me, this is a hefty, great, great film

Budget: 15 mil. $
Box office: 10.9 mil. $
= Flop

What do you think of Black Snake Moan?
Other blues-movies that need to be seen?

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