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Old School (2003) - Some fun in low-brow frat house comedy


Three middle-aged male stars enjoy themselves at a college party on this poster for Todd Phillips' Old School

Frank 'the Tank' Ricard is in his thirties and depressed, when his good buddy Mitch 'the Godfather' Martin suddenly becomes single, and the two decide to start a college fraternity with their old pal Bernard 'Beanie' Campbell.


Old School is written by Scot Armstrong (Road Trip (2000)) and great New-Yorker filmmaker, co-writer/co-producer/director Todd Phillips (Road Trip (2000)), with Court Crandall (A Lobster Tale (2006)) contributing story elements.

Luke Wilson (Idiocracy (2006)) as Mitch has a fun scene with Juliette Lewis (Hick (2011)), and Will Ferrell (Land of the Lost (2009)) as Frank has a few of them, too, in a film that's based around a silly idea. But Old School is hampered down by a lot of unfunny stuff in between the good parts, and a bunch of cameos that just don't work.

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Watch a 3-minute clip from the film here


Cost: 24 mil. $

Box office: 87.1 mil. $

= Big hit (returned 3.62 times its cost)

[Old School premiered 13 February (USA) and runs 90 minutes. Shooting took place from January - March 2002 in California, including in Los Angeles. The film opened #2, behind holdover hit Daredevil, to a 17.4 mil. $ first weekend in North America, where it spent another 2 weekends in the top 5 (#2-#3), grossing 75.5 mil. $ (86.7 % of the total gross). The 2nd and 3rd biggest markets were the UK with 3.6 mil. $ (4.1 %) and Germany with 1.8 mil. $ (2 %). Roger Ebert gave the film a 1/4 star review, translating to 2 notches under this one. Phillips returned with Starsky & Hutch (2004). Ferrell returned in The Guardian (2003, TV-series) and theatrically in Elf (2003); Vince Vaughn (Wedding Crashers (2005)) in I Love Your Work (2003); and Wilson in Alex & Emma (2003). Old School is fresh at 60 % with a 5.70/10 critical average at Rotten Tomatoes.]

What do you think of Old School?

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