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Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
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The Baby's Room/La Habitación del Niño (2006, TV movie) - Creepy scares in Iglesias' psych. horror


A blood-curdling German release poster for Álex de la Iglesia's The Baby's Room

A couple moves into a new, large house with their infant baby, but soon they start to see and hear strange things around their baby on monitors and via baby alarm. - Or is it all just a reflection of the husband and father's escalating paranoia?


The Baby's Room is written by Jorge Guerricaechevarría (The Kovak Box (2006)) and co-writer/director Álex de la Iglesia (Acción Mutante (1993)).

Skillful actors in grim scenes work wonders in this creepy, spine-tingling psychological horror, which also uses the score (by Roque Baños (Nuestros Amantes (2016))) as a considerable part of its dark magic. The simplified plot, which uses the modern technology angle well, could have been stretched out for even greater effect.


Related posts: 

Other TV movies from Películas Para No Dormir series: A Real Friend/Adivina Quién Soy (2006, TV movie) - Confusing TV horror drama

Blame/La Culpa (2006) - Undistinguished Spanish abortion TV-flick 

Álex de la Iglesia is guest on a Spanish talkshow in a 14-minute clip from 2020 here


Cost: Unknown

Box office: Uncertain - mostly a TV release

= Uncertain

[The Baby's Room was released on DVD 31 July and on Spanish TV 12 January 2007 and runs 77 minutes. It is part of the Películas Para No Dormir TV movie series, the last in a row of similar TV movie series started in 1966 as Historias Para No Dormir by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador. Iglesia returned with Hitler Está Vivo (2006, short), El Código (2006, short) and theatrically with The Oxford Murders (2008). Javier Gutiérrez (Al Final del Camino (2009)), who plays Juan, in Días de Cine (2007); and Leonor Watling (The Vineyard/La Templanza (2021, TV-series)), who plays Sonia, in Teresa, el Cuerpo de Cristo (2007). 5,400+ IMDb users have given The Baby's Room a 6.9/10 average rating.]

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