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Frasier - season 3 (1995) - A comedy triumph


Frasier and Co. return in high spirits on this poster for the third season of David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee's Frasier

In the third season of creators David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee's (Encore! Encore! (1998-99), all) brilliant sitcom Frasier, the dialog bubbles with delightful wit and originality, while we as viewers feel that something often is actually at stake for the series' beloved characters.

In the first episode (She's the Boss), Mercedes Ruhl (Doubt (2013, TV movie)) is introduced as Kate Costas, the refreshing new chief of title lead radio therapist Frasier's (Kelsey Grammer (Boss (2011-12))) workplace, radio station KACL. Following a hot affair with her difficult therapist radio personality employee Frasier, Costas flies away from the station's location in Seattle ten episodes later. 
Maris (still unseen) decides to leave Frasier's beloved psychiatrist brother Niles (David Hyde Pierce (Isn't She Great (2000))), who consequently breaks Ming vases in a rage, stating, hilariously; "I never cared for that dynasty!" (in episode 8: The Last Time I Saw Marris.)
Niles' hibernating fling with his and Frasier's retired cop father Martin's (John Mahoney (The Human Factor (1992), TV-series)) British live-in physical therapist Daphne (Jane Leeves (Room for Romance (1990), TV-series)) moves forward a tiny bit, as they go together to a ball (episode 13: Moon Dance). We meet the woman, Diane, who left Frasier standing by the alter (episode 14: The Show Where Diane Comes Back), and then we seem to return to square one, as Niles and Maris get back together, (episode 16: Look Before You Leap). 
In the season's last episode (episode 24: You Can Go Home Again), Frasier's radio talkshow celebrates its 3 year anniversary, and the fine subtext of the episode is that family means everything, and (therefore) it can seem awfully depressing.

The major part of the episodes of season 3 end in utter humiliation for Frasier, whose colossal ego dictates this somehow infinitely satisfying formula to repeat itself ad infinitum.
Besides the magnificent central cast, the season has funny side characters such as Niles' housekeeper Marta (Irene Olga Lopez (The L Word (2006), TV-series)) and KACL's awkward character Noel Shempsky (Patrick Kerr (Domino (2005))), and season 3 features celebrity guest calls to Frasier's show from distinguished names such as Matthew Broderick, Carrie Fisher, Ed Harris, Billy Crystal, Ray Liotta, Jodie Foster, David Duchovny and Tony Shalhoub.
There is no way around it: Frasier season 3 is a comedy triumph!

Best episodes:

Episode 3: Martin Does It His Way - Written by David Lloyd (Brothers (1984-89)); directed by Philip Charles MacKenzie (My Wife and Kids (2001), TV-series)
Martin writes a song to Frank Sinatra.

Episode 9: Frasier Grinch - Written by Lloyd; directed by MacKenzie
We get to meet Frasier's cute son Frederick for the first time. 

Episode 18: Chess Pains - Written by Rob Greenberg (Bad Haircut (2001), TV movie); directed by Gordon Hunt (Mad about You (1995-99))
A very funny episode in which Martin and Frasier duel in the game of chess, while Niles buys a skinny dog. 

Related posts:

David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee (creators): Frasier - season 2 (1994) - Seattle's sitcom power team return, resulting in many more laughs and good times

Frasier - season 1 (1993) - The perfect sitcom arrived

Watch the fabulous dance scene and its complicated aftermath from episode 13: Moon Dance here

Cost: Unknown
Box office: None - TV series
= Uncertain - but certainly a TV hit
[Frasier season 3 was first shown from 19 September 1995 - 21 May 1996 on NBC, and it spans 24 episodes of an average 22 minutes, totaling approximately 528 minutes. Shooting took place in Hollywood, Los Angeles, with establishing shots from Seattle, Washington. The series' cost grew during its run, and the cost per episode at its closure after 11 seasons was reportedly 5.2 mil. $ (124.8 mil. $ for the 24 episodes), of which 60 % went to its regular stars, of which Grammer commanded an impressive 1.6 mil. $ (amounting to 38.4 mil. $ for the season). Still, with syndication, foreign sales, home video etc., the series was likely a great asset for NBC. The season's rating's lowest (episode 23: The Focus Group) was 24.3 mil. US viewers and its highest (episode 16: Look Before You Leap) was 34.8 mil.. The season climbed its Nielsen ratings ranking from season 2's #15 ranking to #11, closer to the first season's sensational #7 ranking. The season won 2/7 Emmys, 1/3 Golden Globes and many other honors. The fourth season started showing in September 1996. Grammer at the time also starred in comedy Down Periscope (1996) and in TV movie London Suite (1996). 62,485 IMDb users have given Frasier an 8.0/10 average rating.]

What do you think of Frasier's second season?

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