Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


We Shall Overcome/Drømmen (2006) - Great performances make Oplev's school drama soar

It doesn't speak to a film's advantage that it was a local hit in 2006, but that a thorough web search for its poster only turns up a poor DVD cover such as this, - yet that is the case with Niels Arden Oplev's We Shall Overcome


1969 in a Jutlandic countryside: The boy Frits gets a bad start in his new school, and his love of American Civil Rights Movement icon Martin Luther King doesn't earn him the favor of the school's tyrannical principal. - Who of the two will win?

We Shall Overcome is a concentrated drama, shot on the beautiful Danish island of Ærø, standing in for Jutland. It is heightened greatly by the powerhouse performance from debuting Janus Dissing Rathke (Bora Bora (2011)), who gives honesty and strength to Frits. Of the adults, Bent Mejding (Matador (1978-81)) as the principal and Jens Jørn Spottag (Terribly Happy/Frygtelig Lykkelig (2008)) as Frits' father are also particularly good.
The winds of idealism and change blow here, although the adults are pretty uniformly cowards and dingbats.
We Shall Overcome is written by Steen Bille (Worlds Apart/To Verdener (2008)) and great Danish co-writer-director Niels Arden Oplev (Mr. Robot (2015), TV-series). Its original Danish titles translates to 'the dream'. It is a touching, fine film.

Related reviews:

Niels Arden OplevSpeed Walking/Kapgang (2014) - Funny and sweetly nostalgic 70s coming-of-age in rural Denmark

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo/Män Som Hatar Kvinnor (2009) - An exciting adult ride in sadism and mystery from cold cold Sweden

Chop Chop/Fukssvansen (2001) - Oplev's Danish crazy-comedy 

Watch the trailer for the film here, unfortunately without any subtitles

Cost: Unknown
Box office: Unknown
= Unknown (but likely a big flop)
[We Shall Overcome premiered January 30 (Göteborg International Film Festival) and runs 109 minutes. It sold 404,703 tickets in in its native Denmark, netting 18 mil. DKK, and was thus the biggest Danish movie in Denmark of the year, in which admissions to Danish films were generally down 21 % from the previous year, which also saw 7 more Danish films released (41 in 2005 vs. 34 in 2006.) The film won 16 awards at a number of festivals and award shows, including one Bodil (Danish critics' award) out of four nominations, for Mejding as Best Supporting Actor, and 6 wins out of 16 nominations at the Robert Awards (Danish Oscar), among others for Best Screenplay, Film, Director and Supporting Actor (Mejding). Without knowledge of the world gross for the film, I can only tentatively guess that it should count as a big flop. 2,147 IMDb-users have given We Shall Overcome a 7.3 rating.]

What do you think of We Shall Overcome?

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Eagerly anticipating this week ... (2-25)
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