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Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995) - McTiernan gives the third Die Hard a shot of New York-set adrenaline

Bruce Willis is back in a dirty undershirt for John McTiernan's Die Hard with a Vengeance


A mad bomber with a familiar foreign accent attacks New York City and plays cat-and-mouse with retired detective John McClane and a man from Harlem.

Vengeance does what Die Hard 2 (1990) couldn't: It brings something new and exciting to the franchise.
In the popular action movie series' third entry here, we get a multi-location story with significantly less shoot-em-up scenes than the previous film. - Instead, there's plenty of suspense and a buddy subplot, as Samuel L. Jackson (Django Unchained (2012)) and Bruce Willis (RED (2010)) partner up and show their comedic and dramatic chops in a suspensefull plot. Jeremy Irons (The Time Machine (2002)) plays the super-villain and completes the entertaining trio. - The Germanic villain portrayal works fantastically well as top grade entertainment despite its implied culturally backwards bigotry; still, in essence, viewing Germans as Nazi-like killing machines.
Die Hard with a Vengeance is a funny ride of a film, even if a few of its scenes are simply too incredible.
It is written by Jonathan Hensleigh (Jumanji (1995)) and directed by great action director John McTiernan (Predator (1987)).

Related reviews:

A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) - Willis' action franchise dies an ugly death 

Live Free or Die Hard/Die Hard 4.0 (2007) - The beloved action franchise revitalized for the new millennium 

Die Hard 2 (1990) or, John McClane: Back for Seconds!
John McTiernan:
Top 10: Best franchise movies

Top 10: The best action movies reviewed by Film Excess to date

Die Hard (1988) - McTiernan's action masterpiece

Jeremy Irons makes a worthy enemy in John McTiernan's Die Hard with a Vengeance

Watch the trailer for the film here

Cost: 90 mil. $
Box office: 366.1 mil. $
= Big hit
[Die Hard with a Vengeance was the biggest Die Hard hit, after Die Hard (1988), if you look at the return on the dollar. It was more successful than the previous film Die Hard 2 mainly outside of the US. It 'only' made 100 mil. $ (27 % of the total gross) in the US.]

What do you think of Die Hard with a Vengeance?

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