Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)

Eagerly anticipating this month ... (3-25)
Frelle Petersen's Hjem Kære Hjem (2025)


The Cove (2009) - Psihoyos' dolphin doc is a stouthearted, important piece of magnificent filmmaking

The scary poster for Louie Psihoyos' The Cove


In The Cove, we are taken on a suspenseful mission to Taiji, a Japanese fishing town which is the center of the world's worst, systematic, annual dolphin-slaugther. Due to effective cover-up by the authorities, the film's team has to construct an Ocean's Eleven-like plan to document the mass killing. The scandal further develops, as the dolphin meat, which has alarmingly high mercury levels, is planned to be used as food for school children.

The Cove is beautiful, shocking, eminent and exciting. It leaves the possibility for going from it with some hope, - which seems necessary after witnessing the deeply upsetting atrocities of the Japanese 'fishermen'.
The Oscar-winning documentary is directed by Louie Psihoyos, who's next, second feature will come out later this year and almost certainly become a big event. It is titled Racing Extinction and is about saving endangered species.
The Cove is written by Mark Monroe (Chasing Ice (2012)) and edited by Geoffrey Richman (Sicko (2007)).
It is uncommonly fantastic; brilliantly orchestrated - an almost unbearable tear-jerker and heroic work. It was, - unsurprisingly, - wildly controversial, especially in Japan. You can read about its controversy here.
- Watch this movie! 

Related posts:

2009 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED IV]
2009 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED III]
2009 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED II]
2009 in films and TV-series - according to Film Excess [UPDATED I] 

Watch the great trailer here

Cost: Unknown
Box office: 1.1 mil. $
= Unknown
[Although almost certainly financially a flop. The Cove is financed by wonderful Participant Media. It won a long string of awards and honors besides its Best Documentary Oscar. 0.8 mil. $ or 76 % of its total gross came from the US.]

What do you think of The Cove?

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