
Monstrosity/The Atomic Brain (1963) - Crazed doctor schlock

Alluring girls in chains are promised on this creepy, salacious poster for Joseph V. Mascelli and Jack Pollexfen's Monstrosity

An old rich woman wants to get her doctor Frank to transplant her brain into a younger bimbo, so that she can carry on her bitter existence in a fresher body.

The characters of Monstrosity have all the depth of teaspoons, and the plot is studded with excessive amounts of rambling voice-over and incoherent developments. Here's an example of some of the film's more amusing narration:

Narrator: Three new bodies. Fresh, live, young bodies. No families or friends within thousands of miles, no one to ask embarrassing questions when they disappear. Victor wondered which one Mrs. March would pick. The little Mexican, the girl from Vienna, or the buxom blonde? Victor knew his pick, but he still felt uneasy, making love to an 80 year old woman in the body of a 20 year old girl; it's insanity!

The supposedly 'scientific' element in this sci-fi/horror/monster movie unsurprisingly consists of a crazed doctor, smoking lab equipment and flashing lights. SPOILER A woman has her brain switched with a cat's, which is a mitigating circumstance in Monstrosity, (and one that may hold certain perspectives...)
The film was directed by Joseph V. Mascelli, whose only other credits are as cinematographer on such films as The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies !!? (1964), and Jack Pollexfen (Indestructible Man (1956)), whose movie career apparently ended abruptly with the release of the auspiciously titled Monstrosity. Pollexfen also co-produced it and contributed uncredited work on the script by Vy Russell, Sue Dwiggins (Indestructible Man, both) and Dean Dillman Jr..

Listen to 10 minutes of Gene Kauer's score for the film here

Cost: Estimated 40k $
Box office: Unknown
= Uncertain
[Monstrosity was released in September (USA) and runs 64 minutes. Shooting took place in just 10 days in Los Angeles. Pollexfen fired Mascelli during production and finished directing the film himself. There are regrettably no details concerning its theatrical release. The film is available for free end legal download now right here. Mascelli turned to photographing a few more 1960s movies, before his career in films ended; Pollexfen left movies alone completely after Monstrosity. 2,251 IMDb users have given Monstrosity a 2.9/10 average rating.]

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